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Welcome to the world of GECKO aka SCANNERS

Hi, welcome to my blog, I put stuff I like and make lists here. My 2023 was kinda fucking crazy so I'm hoping 2024 isn't. The bar is very low becuase the past 4ish years have suuucked but what can you do. My best friend died early last year and trying to find hobbies that don't remind me of him is a bit of a nightmare. To werk through some of the grief I've very slowly been making a page of our old chatlogs and things we made.

What else is there to talk about. My favorite game is death stranding and I've been wanting to play it again. I've reached the "IDK man I'm just here to 100% my favorite games" stage of life. I've 100%'d dark souls 3, infamous second son and first light. AJ helped me get the dark souls 3 one by letting me invade and kill him repeatedly, eventually evolving into a game of hide and seek where more often than not I wouldn't be able to find him.

I like the matrix a normal amount.


My kitten Neo who I got from the bestie Diego ^__^ He's the sweetest cat ever and he doesn't even know he's going to get neutered soon, sorry about the balls man.

Proof of how fast he's growing. He's like the thing from the thing.

AEW 2023

I saw AEW live in december! Here's me and some pics I took. My favorite match was Eddie Vs Bryan, I'm so happy I got to see the continental classic. I loved seeing the Acclaimed tag with Scotty 2 Hotty for one of the dark matches. I hope I get to see them when they come back!


4/25/24: Updated blog section on main page, layout changes.

4/23/24: Edited oc and sketchbook pages.

3/15/24: General updates to the main page like ya mom.

2/24/24: Got my music page uploaded and working.

2/17/24: Kitten. Also I got my platinum for infamous second son.

2/3/24: Updated my oc page to include more characters and halved the size of all my pngs to make pages load easier. I have bad internet.

1/22/24: Layout updates and other things.

1/6/24: Added a background and changed the layout on all pages. Background source.

1/5/24: Updating the memorial page and adding blurry wrestling pics.

1/4/24: Happy new year! Added my favorite matrix video to the bottom. Still working on my memorial page.

12/22/23: The year is over already?

2/18/23: Added Trigun. LOVE AND PEACE!!!

12/19/22: Changed the main page font, made RED into GREEN, and learned that css sheets are easy, actually. There's a scroll bar here now, isn't it beautiful?

12/18/22: Layout changes to HOME and more MOVIES to the CINEMA.

Name: gecko/mikey

Pronouns: he/him

Current Status: fibromyalgia swag forever

Listening to: nin, korn, nirvana, ratm, funkadelic, jigsaw youth

Playing: death stranding, MGS collection, fallout 76

Watching: lost, better call saul, AEW, UFC

Allergies: dust achooo

keep on keeping on

Yes I'm a man and a pisces.